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     Hi 👋🏼 !, I'm Charles Goodling, a.k.a. C4, amongst a multitude of other names.

     In the fashion of us whom grew up within the era of 1337SP34K, The 14MC4 equates to "I Am C4". The name C4 was given and the funny side of me just thinks of the scene with Groot in Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2. Which just stuck with me and I've embraced it since. However, I have a plethora of other names and sock puppet names.

     The purpose of this blog will be a place to allow me to formulate ideas, document, and professional growth. I find it easier for retention purposes when I document things more often. I've done countless CTF-like challenges and could of really benefitted from documenting my perspective. My end goal is to migrate into a more Technical Cyber Focused role.

I'm currently working at Booz Allen Hamilton (1) as a Cloud Infrastructure Automation Architect.

BLUF: I automate stuff with Terraform..

I love challenging myself, I love to learn, I love to break things, and I love to help others. And I'm also a [heavy gamer]!
Please check my LinkedIn if you wish to know more about me.

Other Social Links:
- github
- linkedin
- medium
- stack-overflow

  1. DISCLAIMER: This profile represents my views and opinions are my own and do not reflect the views of the Booz Allen Hamilton.

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Work Hard to be Lazy

My motto to live by.

“Working hard to be lazy basically means investing the extra effort (working hard) at first so that it will pay off in the long run (be lazy).”

Re-evaluate your work processes

The lazy man will try to accomplish 2 hours worth of work in 1 hour’s time but sometimes at the expense of the work’s quality.
Think of it as efficiency = quality/time taken (referencing speed = distance/over).
If the time taken is reduced, either the job’s quality has to be lowered or the efficiency must be increased. Efficiency really relates to the work process.
So in order to keep the quality the same and reduce the time taken, the work process must be changed.

Don’t repeat yourself

After evaluating what you do, you may have some ideas of what you want to improve or modify.
Break it down to its core.

Try a new process

Be open to completely changing the way you work.
You can’t expect to become more productive unless you pay a price at first.

Refine yourself

By refining yourself I mean going through this work hard to be lazy process in iterations.
Try a new process, if that doesn’t help as much as you hoped, try another process.
The worst thing that could happen is that you don’t find any improvement in your work process and go back to your original process and just work hard.
Did you lose anything?

Reference post