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KringleCon Orientation

Objective 1: KringleCon Orientation

Objective: KringleCon Orientation

Get your bearings at KringleCon

Sub-Objective: Talk to Jingle Ringford

Jingle Ringfor will start you on your journey!

Sub-Objective: Get your badge

Pick up your badge

Sub-Objective: Create a wallet

Create a crypto wallet

Sub-Objective: Use the terminal

Click the computer terminal

Sub-Objective: Talk to Santa

      We spawn into the zone as some random elf character. I decided to investigate the interface and found a way to change my character which is similar to the previous years. Let's rock a SANS muscle shirt and a pegleg!

      We can interact with the character generated with the arrow keys and clicking to interact with the characters on the screen. When interacting with Jingle Ringford he says some stuff (see quotes below) and then boom a RaspberryPi terminal pops up on the desk.

Jingle Ringford

Welcome to the North Pole, KringleCon, and the 2022 SANS Holiday Hack Challenge! I'm Jingle Ringford, one of Santa's elves. Santa asked me to come here and give you a short orientation to this festive event. Before you move forward through the gate. I'll ask you to accomplish a few simple tasks.
First things first, here's your badge! It's the five golden rings in the middle of your avatar. Great - now you're official. Click on the badge on your avatar. That's where you will see your Objectives, Hints, and gathered Items for the Holiday Hack Challenge.
We've also got handy links to the KringleCon talks and more there for you!
Next, click on that machine to the left and create a crypto wall for yourself. Don't lose that key!

      We clicked on the machine and it generated a key for us. Let's keep that handy. Don't want to lose my coins like those people with lose Bitcoin wallets. Sheesh!

Jingle Ringford

OK, one last thing. Click the Cranberry Pi Terminal and follow the on-screen instructions.

      We can go ahead click on the terminal and follow the prompts. Entering answer is all that's needed

1. KringleCon Orientation - ⭐

Typing answer into the CranberryPi Terminal

      We continue on through the gate that opened up and let's go talk to Santa.


Welcome to the north pole, intrepid traveler.
Wow, we had quite a storm last night!
my castle door is sealed shut behind a giant snowbank.
The Elves have decided to burrow underneath the snow to get everthing ready for our holiday deliveries.
But there is another wrinkle: my Five Golden Rings have gone missing.
Without the magic of the Rings, we simply can't launch the holiday season
My reindeer won't fly; I won't be able to zip up and down chimneys.
What's worse, without the magic Rings, I can't fill the millions of cookies in my belly!
I challenge you to go on a quest to find and retrieve each of the five Rings.
I'll put some initial goals in your badge for you.
The holidays, and the whole world, are counting on you.

KTM Terminal

It appears that you currently do not have a KringleCoin wallet.
You'll need one while you're here at the North Pole.
Let's get started and set up your wallet.
You'll earn KringleCoins for completing challenges or you just
might be lucky enough to find some! Who knows!
This is critically important: YOU are responsible for keeping track of your account information.
If you come back here, we can tell you your WalletAddress, but (and this is very, VERY important)
We CANNOT tell you your secret key. If you lose it, you lose access to your KringleCoins.
Your KringleCoin wallet consists of two values, a WalletAddress and a Private (Secret) Key.

We can either go left or right. The left side of this section of the map consists of, Swag, and NetWars stuff. The Castle door is blocked like Santa said and the top right we find a guy named Chimney Scissorhands. He tells us some stuff but, looks like we are going underground.

Chimney Scissorhands

You may be wondering where the Frost Tower from last year went. Well it turns out the entire tower was a rocketship. After the Frostians returned last year and brought Jack Frost to justice. The entire building launched into space returning Jack and the Trolls to their home planet. That concluded last years caper but, I hear something is amiss this year too! Some of my fellow elves have burrowed under the snow and even deeper. They've undercovered some strange stuff down there. You should definitely check it out.

We go through the area to look around, down the ladder to the left is the Hall of Talks. I like exploring so decided to check it out. Each room has a youtube video embedded into it. Pretty neat. I like to check out every area because, well hints are useful and in some challenges needed. I know if I was SANS I'd hide stuff where few would look. Sure enough, found a chest at the end of the Hall of Talks.

Let's go back through the hall and go to the right. We can climb down a ladder. I see a chest to the left and because of the last hidden chest I wanted to figure out how to get to that one. I noticed little white specs in the black. Bingo! I can walk through walls. I must be a magician. Now that we got our candy let's move on down the ladder.